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Free Demo retail system

Gratis Retail System
We want to save you a lot of work, we can do that if you give us more information - just enough for us to set you up as the first employee in the demo version we send to you. We are aware of the data security and your entered data use only for creating and configuring a Demo retail system for you
To create you as a first employee, we must use

First name Last name Tax number
Adress City Email adresse
Det er vigtigt at dine oplysninger er rigtige, de kan ikke bare laves om når du er begyndt at bruge Smiling Pos kasseapparat .

We create you as an employee and you will be the first to log in to the Demo Detail System. We will send you Login information when the system is ready.

About your business  
Company Name Adress City
Is there anything we should know?. Do you have special wishes?. Write it here.
VAT Number Email Home Pages

SUBMIT Free version » 

Phone Land Comp. Kategory

In the category Company Category , write Plumber, Carpenter, Baker, Restaurant or which industry describes your business best

Ja, vi skal bruge dine personlige data for at give dig rettigheder til Login og fremtidig redigering i systemet- - Dine data bliver IKKE brugt til andet end at lave en Gratis version af Smiling Pos, som du selv kan redigere senere.